Chinese Number Balloons and Numerology
Digital Illustrations & Personal Project, 2019
This was a personal project I did to continue learning the iPad and I had the random idea to explore Chinese numerology while drawing numbers in Chinese as rose gold balloons. I remember that while my parents aren’t superstitious people, they definitely ascribe to auspicious numbers in East Asian culture, particularly 6, 8, and 9 since they had O’s in them to signify fortune. We got a new license plate for one of our cars, and my parents both commented at separate times about how great it was that there were so many 8’s in it.
The more I read up on Chinese numerology, I thought it was interesting how a lot of it ties into the larger belief that the universe is based on certain numbers and mathematical principles. Legend has it that Emperor Fu Shi (China’s first emperor) created numerology and the 3x3 Lo Shu grid (where every row totals 15), which led to the discovery of feng shui and Chinese astrology. The meanings behind the numbers are also often based on the sounds the number makes when said aloud.
Truthfully, in terms of execution, this project was a lot of work, but I’m glad I stuck with it to finish the series, while also finding a unique way to learn and share more about Chinese and Taiwanese culture with others. Continue reading below for a deeper dive on the meanings behind each of the numbers I drew!
Note: Apologies in advance to weird font formatting with some of the accents! My current font choice doesn’t support certain accents over certain vowels. 🤷🏻♀️